How to Teach Your Kids a Gratitude Practice!


Can you believe it’s November already? Did you know that November is the month of gratitude? I am going to share with you the benefits of having a gratitude practice and a gratitude challenge for you and your family!

Over the past year, I have been reading so much about the importance of having a gratitude practice in your life. I started asking my kids every night as I tuck them in, “tell me 3 things you are grateful for today.”

I loved hearing their answers and as time went on how specific their answers got. It doesn’t have to be profound. It could be a warm sunny day or a cold glass of your favorite orange juice in the morning. 

Just acknowledging the little things and being grateful can change your mindset. Research says you cannot be mad or envious and be grateful at the same time. It’s impossible for your brain! How cool is that! Your kids will learn to go about their day looking for all the good things going on around them.

Here are some benefits of gratitude:

– positive mindset

– better sleep

– higher self-esteem 

There are so many benefits to practicing gratitude and I want to spread the word!  With social media and our kids growing up in a world of filters and “perfection” we can lose sight of all that is good in our own lives.

I am starting a challenge and I hope you will join me! Every day for the entire month of November have you and your kids share 3 things you are grateful for.   It’s so easy and takes 2 minutes to do!

You can use a journal, share out loud to each other or use my free printable I created with a frame and a dry erase marker. Whatever is easiest for you!

Here are some tips to get you and your child started with a gratitude practice:

1) Ask your child in the morning or at night before bed, 3 things they are grateful for. 

2) Try to get them to be as specific as they can. Make sure you share too!  Sharing your gratitude for the day is a great place to start and to teach them to be very specific.

3) Consistency is important with this but give yourself grace! If you forget a day that’s ok, just start back up again. Make sure it continues to be enjoyable and rewarding for you and your kids.

The point is that you make this a habit and a daily practice for you and your children.  I am all about teaching our kids to have a more positive mindset and being mindful of all the good in their life. 

Join me!

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