Growing up is tough and using positive affirmations could have a huge impact on a young girl’s life.
In a world of social media and seeing everyone’s highlight reels and filters growing up is harder than we could ever imagine.
As moms we want our kids to grow up feeling good about themselves and love themselves for who they are.
This is why I created my positive affirmation cards. So that young girls can speak truth, hope, and light into themselves.

Negative self-talk is a real thing. I hear grown adults say negative things about themselves. The cycle has to STOP and one way to do this is through daily positive affirmations.
These girls need to believe that they have the power to be who they want to be and create a life they are proud of.
The tween years are a time where they are figuring out who they are and having a set of tools like this could be life-changing.

Growing up I would have LOVED learning these affirmations. I use them as an adult now and they have changed my life. Teaching our girls the benefits of positive self-talk is so important for them to understand.
Here’s a quick list of the benefits:
- They change negative thoughts
- enhance positivity
- reduce anxiety
- boost self-esteem
- encourages creativity
Teaching our girls how to use affirmations to battle the negativity that our minds can create could be life-changing for them!

Ways to Use Affirmation Cards
- Pick a time to repeat the affirmations. Maybe before school, after school, before bed.
- Read the cards EVERY DAY!
- Pick one card to focus on for the day! Set it out on your dresser and repeat the affirmation and use it as a reminder.
- Frame the cards and set them out around the house so that you are reminded all-day of the positivity you want to create in your life.
My mission is to help you as a mom connect with your daughter and help her to grow up confident and encouraged every step of the way.
My hope is that these affirmation cards can be used as a tool to teach them self confidence and the power of positive self-talk.
Head over to my ETSY SHOP to get yours today!

Wonderful ideas that should be used every day !,
Wonderful ideas that should be used every day !