March is Women’s History month and we also celebrate International Women’s Day. With that being said I think its is so important to educate our girls on female leaders and trailblazers that paved the way for their future. I also think it’s important to teach all girls to learn to empower other girls and lift them up.
Girls can tend to let jealousy ruin their friendships. Comparison is real and if we can teach them the power of girls supporting other girls they could be unstoppable.
Today I want to share 3 tips for helping your daughter empower other girls and become that trailblazer for other girls.
As her mother you are her first role model. You need to show her how to empower girls. Talk to her about how you are proud of someone for accomplishing something. Talk to her about how you are cheering a women one on from the sideline. It’s our jobs as moms to teach her these things. It is natural to have those comparison feelings we all can have them but we need to understand what to do with them. We need to recognize them and then she needs to look inside herself and be grateful for her amazing gifts she has. Gratitude can help change those feelings inside.
Teach her about woman trailblazers that came before us. Show her the battles they were up against and how as women they came together to help ALL women. There is an amazing book called Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls that tells stories of amazing woman from all over the world! When they learn about how these woman worked together for the joy of all woman they will see how mountains can be moved when we do this together.
Teaching your daughter to step outside her comfort zone can help her grow in more ways than one. If she can get comfortable with this unknown scary feeling she can use it in a very powerful way.
Your daughter can stand up to others who are not being treated right. She can share her gifts with the world even if it isn’t something that everyone likes. She can be herself. When she does this, she is actually showing other girls that they can do it too. She is giving them permission to be themselves because she is being herself. When we see someone who is brave it can fuel us. We can say “If she can do it then so can I”!
This is something I am so passionate about and we can help this next generation be the ones who stand up for each other no matter what.
If you want to empower your daughter and help build up her confidence I would love for you to join my free private Facebook group!
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