I am here to help you with ideas and creative ways to connect with your kids. Today, I wanted to share a free resource for you and your family!
Adventure Bingo!
Creating an Adventure List is a great way to really connect with your kids. An Adventure List is a collection of things that you and your kids want to do, try, learn, or explore together.
For the next few weeks, I thought it would be fun to give you another resource to go along with your Adventure List! Adventure Bingo (at-home version) is a fun way to explore at home with your kids! Pick an adventure and then cross them off as you go! It’s great for SUMMER too!
Adventure Bingo

Make a plan to do some fun things with your kids! This is a great way to keep your spirits up during this time at home.
You could take an online class and learn something new, get crafty, cook, bake, and so much more! I hope this resource is something you can use and helps you change up the everyday!
My hope is that after we recover from what is going on in the world you continue with these adventures! Head over to this post to learn more about creating an Adventure List!


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