3 tips for Meeting New Friends


It’s the start of a new school year and some of you may have new kids at your school or maybe you are going to a new school for the first time. So, I thought we should talk about 3 tips for meeting new friends. No matter what age you are always going to have to make new friends.

So how exactly do we do this? Well let’s dive into some ways that making new friends can be a little bit easier for you.

3 tips for meeting new friends

A great way to meet new friends is to get involved in an activity.

It could be a sport, theatre, a club. It doesn’t matter. Figure out what interests you and try it out! Remember you may have to step outside that comfort zone a little bit and try something new. The cool thing is when you get involved in school activities is a whole bunch of people interested in the same thing. Having similar interests can start friendships and really help you bond with others when you have things in common. My kid’s friends come from the basketball teams they are on.

Say hi first.

This may seem scary to be the first one to say something to someone you don’t know but that’s how things start. Someone has enough courage inside to take the first step. Remember that being courageous is contagious. This will help that person have some courage too because you took the first step in the conversation. They may be terrified and not have as much courage as you. So just say hi and then ask them their name.

Give a genuine compliment.

I mean who doesn’t’ t like a compliment. When you say “hey, I really like your sneakers or “You did great on your presentation.”  You are opening the door to a conversation and maybe a friendship. That person will feel good and get a boost of confidence because you said something nice and genuine to them. Most likely they will smile, say thank you and then star a conversation with you. Remember to be genuine don’t just make something up that really wasn’t thought out. That is important.

Making friends can seem scary but it will all be worth it in the end. Remember that uncomfortable feeling you get right before you say Hi to someone new, is just telling you that you are stepping outside your comfort zone. Remember what I always say. That feeling is totally normal. It just means you are about to do something really, really brave. You should be so proud of yourself!  



3 tips for tweens and teens on how to make new friends - gracious adventures

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