I am so excited it’s the new year and 2022! I still can’t believe it! What I love about this time of year so that feeling of starting fresh. I wanted to share with you 3 fun ways to get your kids motivated about the new year!
The idea that anything is possible in the upcoming year. You can set goals for the new year which is always fun. You may be thinking I am to young to set goals for myself and I don’t believe that goal setting has an age.
I believe if you are 9 or 69 you can always set goals for yourself. It’s important to work toward something and learn how to break things down into smaller steps to reach a goal.
It’s a skill and an activity you will do and should do for the rest of your life.
So today I wanted to share with you some ideas that you can do in this fun month of January to set yourself up for a great year filled with fun!
3 fun ways to get your kids motivated about the new year!
The first thing I want you to do is pick a word for the year.
This is really a popular thing to do. What you do is you pick a word that you want to represent your year. My word this year is bold. I want to be bold in everything I do and not be scared to try new things and to put myself outside my comfort zone.
There will be times when I am afraid and I know that when I think of my word “Bold” I will be reminded of the kind of person I want to be. You can pick any word and you may not think of one right away. Take your time and think about what you want to be, how you want to live. Some great word examples are – Shine, Love, brave, inspire, explore it can be anything that feels good to you!
The next thing is making a joy list.
I got this idea from Rachel Hollis. The idea is you make a list of things that bring you joy. It can be a walk outside, listening to music, a yummy milkshake, reading your favorite book, watching your favorite TV show with your family. It’s about bringing more joy into your life. If you need a pick me up just take a look at your joy list and do something that makes you feel good. Also, make sure to schedule things that bring you joy into your weeks. You want to be able to look back on your year and make sure you did those things on your joy list. Those are things that make you happy. It’s about being intentional.
The last thing is to make a vision board!
I love making vision boards! They are so much fun because you get to be creative and set intentions for the year. A vision board is something that helps you set your vision for how you want to live your year. I like to put my word of the year in the center and then I take old magazines and things I have printed like quotes and pictures that give me inspiration. Say you want to make you want to run a mile someday. Put a picture of running shoes on your vision board. It can be anything you want.
When the vision board is done you set it somewhere where you can see it every single day. It’s a reminder of all the things you want for your life, your goals, your dreams. It’s just so much fun to create.
I have a vision board class that has all new 14 pages of 2022 printables so you don’t need any old magazines. The class will teach you all about vison boarding and you get all the free printables too!
Click below to get the Vision Board Workshop!
I hope you learned 3 fun ways to get your kids motivated about the new year!
I like that u changed the age from 59 to 69 but how about 79. That puts me in the category since I still have goals
Tks 🤣😘