The story is called Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots?
Written by Carmela LaVigna Coyle.
Throughout this adorable book, a little girl asks her mom many questions about being a princess. For example, the little girl asks”Do princesses eat the crusts of their bread?” The mother replies “They save them for the ducks instead.” This free-spirited little girl wants to make sure she is acting like a princess. Her mother always replies reassuring her daughter that what’s on the inside matters most!
I love this story so much because it teaches our daughter what it means to be yourself. The mother’s reassuring answers throughout the book show her daughter that being a princess is about what she feels on the inside. I always want my daughter and son to remember that no matter how they feel on the inside or what they look like on the outside, they know they are special!
I created a fun free printable to go along with this amazing book!
The printable is a little scavenger hunt or hike to take in your own neighborhood. Get outside and explore is what it’s all about! Have your kids check off all the things that they find on their way. All you need is this free printable, a pencil and of course your hiking boots! So tell your princess or prince to grab their hiking boots and go explore!
I would love to hear what you think about this book!
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