Positive Self Talk To Build Your Confidence


All too often though I hear my kids in my classroom have such negative self-talk about themselves. They call themselves mean names when they make a mistake. Today I am here to teach you about positive self-talk and how it can reprogram those negative thoughts. Learning this will help you with your confidence.

Have you ever felt that way? You make a mistake, and you immediately call yourself a name or think those thoughts. It’s ok if you answered yes to this question.

We must be aware of how we talk to ourselves and what things we are saying to ourselves when we make a mistake. We must treat ourselves kindly and it all starts with talking more positively to ourselves. When we use positive self talk we can build up our confidence.

Sometimes when we use negative self-talk because we are afraid.

We use that negative talk to help us battle the fears we have inside. Like my students at school. When they call themselves dumb when they make a mistake on a word they are reading. They are just fearful that they can’t read and worry that they aren’t good enough. My job as their teacher is to remind them that they are learning to read. They aren’t going to know everything right away and that it takes practice.

Think about what you could be fearful of when you start thinking those negative thoughts about yourself. If you understand that maybe you are just a little scared or nervous about something then maybe you need to dove deep into that thought to understand where it’s coming from.

Learning to have a growth mindset.

I have talked many times about a growth mindset and learning that our brains are always learning and growing. Just because we don’t get something the first time doesn’t mean we will never learn it. It means we have to keep at it and keep practicing.

Learning to talk positively to ourselves is such an important step to grow our confidence. It’s a strategy that anyone can learn to do.  Having a growth mindset is key to stop talking so negatively about ourselves.

Use Affirmations

Affirmations are a great way to start using positive self talk to grow your confidence. Using a tool like affirmation cards are a great way to get started. When you say or read these positive statements you are teaching your brain to have a more positive outlook. It helps you to stop the negative thoughts and think of yourself in a more positive light.

Affirmations help you to feel good inside and the more you use them you start to believe in yourself a little more. When we use affirmations to have more positive self talk we can build up our confidence. That is the goal!



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