Gratitude Tips for Tweens & Teens


It’s so important to teach our older kids tips for having gratitude in their everyday life. Why you ask? Well, there are just so many benefits. With social media and all of the FOMO (fear of missing out) that goes on in your tween or teens life, gratitude can bring them back to what’s really important.  

The benefits of gratitude are AMAZING! If we teach them to understand how it can help them and why it’s so important hopefully this practice will become part of their daily life.  

Here are some benefits:  

Improves physical health 

Improves mental health 

Better sleep 

More empathy 

Better self esteem 

I mean if those benefits don’t get you excited then I don’t know what will! Growing up can be hard but if we teach our kids to be grateful for the little things in their lives they can grow up having a more positive outlook. They hopefully won’t get caught up in what they don’t have and be grateful for what they do have.

Here are some ways to get your older kids started with practicing GRATITUDE!   

Start around the dinner table: Ask you kids what they are grateful for that day. Have a discussion and tell them exactly what it is and why it’s important! As your kids grow up it’s easier to just straight up tell them what it’s all about and all the awesome benefits.  

Text them: Text them what you are grateful for that day and then ask for a reply. Start a conversation about this. I have 4 cute free images for you that you can download to your phone and then you can text it to your kids phone or Ipad.  COPY them to your phone below! 

Create a HAPPY list: Create a list of all the things that make you happy in life. These things should be the little things that make you happy and light up your life. For example: A crisp fall day, the sunset, a warm cup of coffee in your favorite cup, a great piece of pie, your favorite face moisturizer.

It’s taking a deep dive into the little things in our daily life that really make us happy. It’s not the extravagant things that may happen once a year. When you write these things down every single day you will start to notice all the things that bring you joy everyday that you never noticed before.  

Give back and build gratitude: I think a great way to teach our kids about gratitude is to give back to others less fortunate. Every year my sister gives toys to the Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital and the kids and I shop for items for them.  When we bring others joy you get the same feeling they receive by giving. How cool is that!

Comment below on what you are grateful for today! I would love to here! 


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