Before you give up…DO THIS!


Wait!!! Before you give up… DO THIS!

I know sometimes it’s just easier to throw in the towel and say you’re done. You probably think it’s easier when things get tough to just give up. The hard work seems overwhelming to stay down and go the easier route.

I’m here to help you with that one moment just before you want to GIVE UP. It’s at that moment where you can change your mindset and the amazing things that lie ahead of you forever.

I’m here to share some great ideas that will help you second guess that thought and hopefully get you back on track.

Try this before you give up!

before you give up do this! Gracious Adventures

Remember WHY you started.

Why is such a powerful word. When you know your why it can change every everything you do. Why did you try out for the soccer team? Ask yourself why you started playing basketball? Why did you start learning that new instrument? It all starts with WHY!

If you think back to why you started something in the first place you will probably remember that you wanted something more for your life. You wanted to try something new. You wanted to win a championship, you wanted to show your family that you could do something amazing, you wanted to prove to yourself that you have what it takes. Every time you do something new there’s a WHY behind it. We may not always think about it like that but there’s always a why. So next time you want to give up. I want you to think about why you started in the first place. Your WHY will keep you going!

Don’t quit because you failed.

Failure is going to happen. Failure is guaranteed to happen to you. So, stop thinking just because you failed at something you have to quit. Any successful person is sitting on a ton of past failures. Did you know that Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant missed more shots than they made? Did they stop shooting because they missed so many shots? NO WAY! They kept shooting even though their misses outweighed their baskets. Just stop and teach yourself that failure is part of the journey for everyone and every human being. So don’t quit because you fell down and failed. Get back up and go again.

Keep Working Hard.

One thing that no one can take away from you is the hard work that you put into something. Keep at it because you never know what lies on the other side of that hard work.  No one every got to the top or finished something without putting in the hard work. It feels so good to accomplish something because it takes hard work to get there. If it was easy, it wouldn’t be so rewarding in the end.

Remember the worst thing that can happen if you give up is regretting someday that you gave up so easy. Yes, it’s going to be hard work. Yes, you may want to quit some days when you get frustrated but that’s all part of the journey.

I am cheering for you! Remember these things and I hope it helps you push through those hard times. Your success on whatever it is you are working so hard for, is going to be worth it. I promise you!



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