As a teacher for the past 16 years, I have learned how important it is for students at any age to use a planner at school. This keeps them organized and ready for each school day.
The thing is they have to use it! My kids have had planners in the past and they would come home and I would look at their planner and it would be completely empty. I had no clue what assignments they had for homework if any?
The thing is kids need to LEARN how to use their planner and be taught how to make the most of it!
Today I am sharing my top tips for helping our kids make the most of their planners no matter if they are doing online school or in person.

Set a goal
It’s always nice to think about the future and what things they want to accomplish that school year. Here are some ideas… Do they want to make an honor card? Do they want to make sure they always take good notes during class? When do they want to get their homework done each day? Do they want to get it done after school or after dinner? When they set a goal at the beginning of the year they can then map out how they will achieve it!
Important Dates and Events
When they first get their planner make sure that they add in all the important dates they know of. For example birthdays and holidays. Next, have a copy of their school calendar handy and write down all those dates. For example, the first day of school, midterm, end of the quarter, holiday breaks, etc. You can find this on your school district website. Having a set of colorful pens and stickers makes this more fun too!
Color Code
It’s nice to color code due dates and subjects. If they have a set of colorful pens they can do this easily. Make each subject a different color and then they can use those colors to help with due dates for big assignments on their monthly calendar.
Use The Planner
It’s always so much fun to get a planner and use the stickers that come with it but then when school starts up they forget about it. This is not an option. This planner needs to be used daily so that they can be successful and know what is expected. School can be overwhelming but if they have a place where they can put down all their assignments and due dates it takes the stress off remembering.
Make It Part Of Their Routine
Teach them to look ahead on Sundays to make sure they know what is expected for the week. They could also check each morning before the start of the school day. Make it part of their daily routine. Having it out while they are doing homework as well can be very helpful too.
- Here’s a TIP: Use a paper clip to keep their place and it will be easy to find their page!

Write Assignments ASAP & Ask
Teach them to write down assignments as soon as the teacher announces it! If they write down an assignment in a notebook make sure they know to transfer it into their planner ASAP. If they missed the assignment they need to go up to the teacher after class and ask or just email them. They are there to help! Always!
- Here’s a TIP: Ask the teacher about upcoming due dates for all projects and assignments as well if that eases anxiety.
Homework or No Homework
Make sure they write down all homework assignments given and if no assignments are given then they need to write the word NONE or NO! Then they know for sure that nothing is due for that class! It will also help you at home when checking to see what assignments they have!
- Here’s a tip for you mom! Give them some encouragement each and every day! My printable encouragement cards make it easy! Check them out!
I hope these ideas and tips help them have the most successful school year. Whether they are doing online learning or heading to school every day a planner will keep your kids organized and ready for the year!


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