Simple Ideas to Fill Your Cup as a Mom


What I realized being home lately is that the hustle and bustle of my life in the past was not serving me.  Being home has made me think about what things I never want to go back too and the things I want to make sure stay in my life.

What I do know is that as moms we need to remember to take care of ourselves to be able to take care of those around us. We can’t pour from an empty cup. Start putting self-care into the rhythms of your life so when life does get back to the way it was before we can have these tools in our pockets.

I am here to give you some simple ideas to keep you feeling good and filled up as a mom. Things that are easy to incorporate into your life to fill your well as a mom. These self-care tips are not the traditional get a manicure and take a bubble bath. These things are easy tactical ways to help keep you feeling good on the inside mentally and physically.

Drink more water

One thing I have learned from Rachel Hollis is that I need to drink more water. I know I wasn’t drinking enough water when I was at my job full time. I would drink maybe two mini-sized water bottles the entire day. Oh my gosh, was that not enough! She recommends drinking half your body weight in ounces. I started doing this after I attended the Rise conference and it changed my life. My body started to feel less drained. To get this much water you can’t just sip it. You have to chug it each time you drink. Yes, you will have to use the restroom a whole lot more but your body will thank you. Staying hydrated is good for your body and your mind.


I exercise for my mind. I wrote this on an Instagram post and the feedback was amazing! So many people agreed with me that exercise helps clear their minds. I asked them to just try this phrase before they second guess working out for the day.

I started telling myself I need to work out to manage my stress and mind. The moment I stopped thinking about what I looked like my thoughts completely changed about working out. It’s now something I have grown to enjoy doing and have to do. After a workout, I feel my best mentally and physically.

Do something you enjoy

Is there something you love to do or use to love to do? You should go do those things! Why not bring things back into your life you use to love. It could be listening to podcasts, reading, yoga, gardening, crafting, a coffee date with friends. Whatever makes you feel good inside set aside time for that again. It does not have to be done every single day but start with once a week. It is a great way to take care of yourself.

30 minutes of alone time

For me, this is in the morning. I love getting up before the house wakes up. You could be more of a night owl, and that is fine too. Just make sure no matter what you are getting an adequate amount of sleep at night. Take this 30 minutes and do something you enjoy. Read, exercise, work on that dream, whatever it is just take that 30 minutes to be alone.

Learn something new

Part of the reason my daughter and I started an Adventures list was to help her explore different activities and learn new things.  I believe that we should never stop learning no matter what age we are.

Pick a new skill to learn, get crafty, bake something new, just try things that are a little outside your comfort zone. There are so many classes online you could take. I have a fun blog post about some great ones we have enjoyed! I am sure your community has a lot to offer also.

You may find out you love the activity you try and it becomes part of your daily life.  The point is to step outside your comfort zone and maybe you will discover a passion you have hidden deep down inside. It can give you the purpose you need in your life.

Making sure that self-care is incorporated in your life is something you have to work into your life. We need to make a conscious effort to make these things happen. When we show our children, especially our daughters that taking care of mom matters she will see this modeled in her life and hopefully grow up with the same values.

If she sees mom taking care of herself and taking time for what she loves, she will remember that as she becomes a mother herself. As moms, we are their first role models. Let’s show our girls that filling ourselves up first helps us pour our hearts into our families.

Let her see how this becomes part of who you are as a mother. Let her see that creating this rhythm in our life makes us a better mom, wife, and friend.

So what do you say mama, are you with me?

How to take action…

Now to take action on this I say start by just drinking more water. Next, move onto moving that body for your mind. Then add on from there. Remember, little by little progress makes BIG changes.

Before I go I have a free download for you! I thought it would be a perfect screen saver on your phone, print it for your mirror, or carry it in your purse. It’s a little reminder that YOU matter.

Screenshot the image to your phone or head to my resource library to get yours today!

I am rooting for you, my friend!

  1. Connie House says:

    Thank you for the advice shared. You’re dedication to publishing “what you know, works!” Is readily available for moms to apply and I am going to try.

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