A little over a week ago I was in a bad place. My mindset was terrible, and I just felt like BLAH inside.
I started to think about why I was feeling this way and I realized one thing.
I was breaking PROMISES to myself.
There are things I do in my life that make me feel good inside that help my mind, body and soul, but I wasn’t consistently doing them.
- I skipped my workouts.
- I didn’t do my morning routine.
- I ate like crap.
- I scrolled on my phone way too long.
- I wasn’t present with my family.
- I was on edge with everyone.
This isn’t the person I want to be so why was I doing this?
So I decided to write down 10 promises I want to keep. I want to see if I can keep these promises to myself will it help me feel better inside.
I wrote 10 promises that day to keep for 90 days.
The craziest thing happened next….
When I googled 90 days from that day… It was October 9th, 2024 my freaking 45th birthday. I dropped my phone and immediately started to cry. If that’s not a sign to do this then I don’t know what is!
If you have been feeling BLAH lately then maybe see if you have been breaking promises to yourself too. Make a goal for yourself to just keep one promise even for a week.
So here we go!
10 promises for 90 days!
I’ve had soooo many people reach out on Instagram and say they want to make some promises too! I was thrilled because the more support and cheerleaders we have the better! Follow along over there and I’ll for sure keep you updated here too!
If you are down for making some promises for yourself too! Click the link below and download the free printable to make some promises for yourself! I want to cheer you on!

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