I’m on a mission to not break a promise. About a month ago I shared with you I was breaking PROMISES to myself. You can read that post HERE.
I was skipping the things in my life that helped me feel good and I felt terrible inside.
I was done feeling that way. That wasn’t who I wanted to be.
I decided to write down 10 promises to keep to myself.
I wanted to see if I could keep these promises to myself, would it help me feel better inside.
90 days. I set a goal to do this for 90 days. Today marks day 30 so I wanted to give you an update on my promise challenge.

This isn’t easy.
I’m just being honest! LOL! Taking care of yourself mentally and physically is so important but when you’re tired and have a million things going on it can be tough.
I do have to say though that this “promise” thing works. When I have to do something hard or something that I don’t want to do I remind myself to not break that promise. I even bought a bracelet that says promise on it to remind me. It keeps me motivated reminding myself about how I want to feel.
The days I keep my promises
On the days I keep my promises with things like my workouts, my morning prayer/gratitude or make decisions for what’s best or me I feel so much better inside.
When school starts back up I have to say I’m a little nervous about keeping these promises to myself. I’ve tried to map out my days for my workouts and how I’ll fit in the things that help me feel good. This has helped ease my anxieties about it.
If you decided to join in the promise challenge with me, I hope you are keeping up with it! Nothing worth having in life is ever easy.
If you’re ready to feel empowered and over come your limiting beliefs you have about yourself then my confidence challenge is for you.

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