Since my daughter and I created a bucket list together I wanted a way that we could document all the things we have done. You can learn more about creating a bucket list or Adventure list HERE!
I wanted a way to write down exactly how we felt after doing each adventure. Each one has been so special! Our memories being made is part of our story together. Creating a way to document our memories help tell our story. That is why I created this journal.

It’s a simple sheet that doesn’t take too long to complete. It is also a great way to get those pictures off your phone and make a memory book of all your adventures together.
There is a place for dates, the activity, inspiration, favorite memories and of course a place for pictures.

You can print off several of these free printable sheets and made it into a little bound journal book. Check out my YouTube video on how to create your own bucket list journal book!

Creating a bucket list with my daughter has been the best thing for us! With busy schedules and how she is growing up way to fast, I wanted a way to connect with her. A safe place for us to talk, laugh and learn new things along the way. I want this for you too! I want moms to connect with their daughters or sons so they can create a bond with them that lasts.
It’s not about making bucket lists, journals or anything else, it’s about creating the time to connect and maybe along the way discovering passions or hobbies we never knew we had.
If you would like to create a bucket list or a bucket list journal or both head over to the free resource page and gets yours for FREE!
I would love to hear if you have started a bucket list with your child! Comment below and tell me all about it so I can follow along with you too!


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